3 Years with Implants; My Experience with Breast Implant Illness
The views expressed in this blog are those from Cath Bastien.
This blog contains explicit language and is not appropriate for all audiences.
Thank you Cath for taking the to write this blog for Angel Competition Bikinis. We hope by sharing your story we can help other women who may be experiencing similar symptoms.
This blog contains explicit language and is not appropriate for all audiences.
Thank you Cath for taking the to write this blog for Angel Competition Bikinis. We hope by sharing your story we can help other women who may be experiencing similar symptoms.
By: Angel Competition Bikinis Sponsored Athlete Cath Bastien
Here’s my story
I hope my body will forgive me.
"Today I decide to exhale doubt and inhale confidence when it comes to what’s ahead of me.
Health is the greatest gift, be grateful for it, don’t ruin it by getting breast implants. You are enough. You are strong. You are beautiful. You matter. You are loved.
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January 8th 2015, I’m 21 year old and I decide to get a breast augmentation. I got Mentor saline implants under the muscle, 375 in the left and 380 in the right overfilled with 420 and 450 cc in Montreal.
My reasons: I have a condition called pectus excavatum, it’s very rare among women but it creates a hole/concave appearance in between my boobs. This made me self-conscious during my teenage years, shopping for bikinis, bras, tank tops etc. I was fluctuating between a A and small C cup back then because of fitness competitions in which I would get very lean and then gain fat right after.
Click the photo above to shop for a replica of Cath's Angel Competition Bikini Diamond Pro on Hologram Red.
I would say about a year after getting breast implants, my health started going down. I thought it was from aging, getting a house and having all these new responsibilities, losing my dad to suicide, the fitness competitions etc.
But it got worse and worse and worse. No matter how healthy I ate, no matter the quality of my sleep, supplements, still exercising etc.
I found an article about Crystal Hefner getting her implants out and it crossed my mind but I still wasn’t convinced. Probably vanity from me. I mean I was training, not drinking any alcohol, eating healthy and everything else. Why the hell would I be sick, this made no sense.
I then started getting REALLY sick, tired all the time, anxious. Some days, I would do almost nothing and stay at home, talk to no one, just be miserable and wonder what the hell was wrong with me. Blood work: perfect. Saw the best holistic doctor: eat better/reduce meat/get in tune with your body after wrecking it from competitions.
Fast forward to joining this group, realizing my symptoms were due to my implants and making a decision. Yoga helped me so much in realizing my inner strength, beauty and developing my spirituality. I still had good days like maybe 1 or 2 days a week, where I could work, take pictures, pretend like everything is okay, but I would always end up sick, tired and even more miserable as time passed. I felt like a 80 year old trapped in a 24 year old body.
A few weeks before surgery, my copper IUD got ejected by my own uterus like what the fuck. I feel this was the call that my body wanted to kick off everything that didn’t belong.
I shared my story on my YouTube channel and got amazing support from my community. A few people doubted or said I was an attention-seeker/hypochondriac/ADHD but I knew deep down my implants were poisoning me.
Yesterday, August 9th 2018, I got my explant surgery. My surgeon believes some women may get complications from implants and said I was his test case, he doesn’t deny BII, but doesn’t want to be associated with the movement until there’s proven evidences from studies. Anyway, he’s a skilled surgeon, 25 years of experience and I trusted him.
Click the photo above to shop for a replica of Cath's Angel Competition Bikini Angel Pro Multi Color on Hologram Emerald.
He spent 2 hours 45 minutes removing my implants, my capsules, sent my capsules to pathology and by signing a piece of paper I was able to leave with MY implants. I woke up feeling GOOD like really good. My eyes are brighter, my skin is glowing, my mind is not foggy at all despite the anesthesia from yesterday. My boyfriend even got mad because he thought I had put on foundation this morning because I look so vibrant. THE HEAL IS REAL
I’m looking forward to seeing more improvements of my symptoms and right now there’s bandages, drains etc all over my boobs. At this point, I really don’t care about my exterior appearance, I’m so happy that my condition is improving and I already see amazing projects for my future.
I quickly regained my health and vitality. Most importantly, I realized that I am so much more that my breast size. Always remember health is the greatest blessing."
Thanks again to Cath for sharing this story. It takes courage to do something like this Cath! Thank you! Angel Competition Bikinis wants to reiterate something Cath mentioned at the beginning of this blog:
You are enough.
You are strong.
You are beautiful.
You matter.
You are loved.
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