Jenna Fail's 5 Favorite Supplements
1. M-Factor Goddess
Use: 3 capsules 2x daily with food. I take one serving with breakfast & lunch!
What I love: Hitting proper micronutrients through food alone is nearly impossible. I love that in conjunction with fruits & veggies I am able to hit my daily mic intake and maintain good health from the inside out! A healthy body starts with vitamins! This is a gender specific product to ensure that male or female is getting all they need to be healthy and thrive! Goddess is for females, Hero is for males.
Link to buy:

2. Full Mega
Use: 2 capsules 2x a day. I take one serving with breakfast & lunch!
What I love: Full Mega offers the highest concentration EPH/DHA omega’3s! It works to reduce inflammation in the body, promote heart & brain heath & moderate cholesterol levels! Everyone can benefit from a good fish oil & you wont find a higher quality than Full Mega!
Link to buy:

3. Phormula-1 + Ignition (the Post Workout Stack)
Use: Post Workout Recovery. 1 Full Scoop Phormula-1, 1/3 Scoop Ignition.
What I love: Everyone knows a protein shake is needed post workout but where many fall short is what kind of protein you need as well as the MUCH needed insulin spike! Carbs are essential post workout but they need to be a rapid digesting carb. Ignition (what I use) is powdered form and is taken along with phormula-1. It works to deliver the protein into the muscle and replenish your glycogen stores. Post workout nutrients is key to results and speed is everything. Using a carb such as pop tarts, fruit or gummy bears is the right idea but not the right way to go about it because whole foods take a while to digest and that's slows down the delivery of protein. Picture the protein as children in a bus with no driver. They are ready to go but no one to get them there. This is where ignition comes in. Ignition is the driving force for protein to be properly and quickly delivered into the muscle. This results in rapid recovery & better results! Otherwise you are not getting the full benefit or recovery which leaves you with a frustrating lack of results.
Phormula-1 is a hydrolyzed isolate protein so it digests immediately (which is what you want, post workout, the faster the better!) If you use a blended whey in this setting it wont digest as quickly and timing is crucial for proper recovery!
Ignition (1/3 - 1/2 scoop for ladies) as explained above, works to create an insulin spike. Also between the 2 you receive a full serving of BCAAs which aids in faster recovery! It's the BEST!! (I love the new Mint Chocolate Cookie & Root Beer Float in Phormula-1 ! Sooo good!!) The Ignition is flavorless so it pairs well with any flavor you choose!
Phormula-1 will supply you with 32 workouts worth of protein.
Ignition will last much longer as you will use less. If you used 1/3 scoop servings it would last you roughly 60 workouts.
For $74.99 it breaks down to around $2 for proper post workout recovery each workout! You cant beat that!
Link to buy:

4. Level-1
Use: Meal Replacement. 1 heaping scoop
What I love: I love that all 1st Phorm proteins are cooked using a low temperature process. By cooking the protein low & slow it is easily broken down by your body which results in no bloating or upset tummy! I use Level-1 daily in some way shape or form! It is so versatile so the options are endless! Currently Ive been hooked on overnight oats! The recipe is super simple and is the perfect option if you are looking to begin incorporating breakfast into your regimen or need a quick “run out the door” option!
In a mason jar:
1/2 cup unsweetened Cashew Milk
1 scoop Ice Cream Sandwich Level-1 Protein Powder (link in my bio)
Mix those together then add:
1/2 cup uncooked oats
1/4 cup mixed berries (any kind are fine)
Mix those up so they are coated with the protein mixture and pop in the fridge!
Link buy:

5. Royal XXl Queen System
Use: (2) Royal Queen & (2) T-21 I use in the mornings and at lunch. (3) C-21 I take about an hour before bed.
What I love: I love that this system is all natural & is geared towards 24/7 fat loss! You are covered from every angle every hour of the day! With this full system you will receive benefits ranging from help in balancing hormones, tackling cravings, all day energy, increased focus, enhanced mood, appetite control, decreased cortisol, less stress, better sleep, boost in metabolic rate & naturally balancing thyroid hormone production! This is the recipe for amplified fat loss and a healthy metabolism! This stack is unbeatable if you are looking to amplify fat loss!
Link to buy:
Follow Jenna on Instagram: @Jenna_Fail
Jenna's Figure Suit: Hologram Emerald Galaxy Suit
Jenna's Bikini: Floral Print Angel Beachwear Multi Way
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