What's in my Gym Bag???

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NPC News Online NPC WBFF Fitness and figure competition National Physique Committee Narmin Assria IFBB Bikini Pro International Federation of BodyBuilding, Blog about NPC Bikini, NPC bikini competitor advice

Blog by:  Natalie Matthews

Angel Competition Bikinis NPC Competition Suits for NPC Bikini NPC Wellness Division NPC Figure suits Blog about bikini prep

Too much stuff that’s what lol

All of these things that I’m about to mention are not necessary, but they help. I bring these items with me because they are not available at most gyms.

1. GLUTE CIRCLES or BOOTAY BANDS: These are perfect for lower body day, you can use them for warming up and activating your glutes before your workout. You can use them during squats, leg press, or glute bridges to target more of the bootay and make the exercise more challenging.

2. LIFTING BELT: I always use a lifting belt during heavy sumo deadlift, squats, and anything that I might need back support because it helps me brace my core and gives me something sturdy to push off of.

3. KNEE SLEEVES: These keep my knees warm and give me extra support in the squat.

4. WARMUP OR PUMPUP BANDS: These are the same bands that I like to bring backstage for show day pump up. For the gym I use them to warm up my upper body and sometimes to help with stretching.

5. ACBikinis Sports Bra: It is so comfortable and supportive!

6. HEADPHONES!!!!: Never forget headphones. I tune everything out, blast some loud music, and get in the zone! Music always gets me in a great mood.

7. WATER GALLON: I bring my reusable water jug so I can stick to my water goals for the day. It's so important to stay hydrated, especially during contest prep.

8. SUPPLEMENTS: I always drink BCAAs during my workout, and if I’m having an “off day” I drink Pre-workout.

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9. ANKLE STRAPS FOR CABLE MACHINE: If you’re a bikini girl you know it’s all about the bootay! I love to finish glute day with cable kickbacks. Cable kickbacks, completely isolate the glute. Most gyms don’t have these straps, so for me, it’s a must to always have them.

10. SHAKER CUP: To mix my pre-workout.

11. WRIST WRAPS: I don’t have great grip strength, sometimes my grip gives out. Wrist wraps allow to lift more weight during a deadlift and focus on the muscles I am trying to work.

12. POST WORKOUT ESSENTIALS: face wipes, deodorant, perfume, soap, headbands, change of clothes.

13. PRACTICE SUIT: For when I want to practice my posing routine.

Suits for ALL Divisions!

Any of our designs can be made for any division: Bikini, Wellness, Figure & Women's Physique with no up charge based on your division.  We have the PERFECT pattern for your next suit, and the most skilled competition suit seamstresses in the world creating it! Scroll to look at examples of some of our favorite  suits. Every suit we make starts from scratch which means we can do any combination of colors, styles, and sizes. Let us create your dream Competition Suit!

Click any photo above to shop for your next suit.

Angel Blog

NPC News Online NPC WBFF Fitness and figure competition National Physique Committee Narmin Assria IFBB Bikini Pro International Federation of BodyBuilding, Blog about NPC Bikini, NPC bikini competitor advice
