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Preppin' thru the Holidays
Keep Crushing your Competition Prep Goals While Enjoying the Reason for the Season
By: Deb Baska, Suit Design Specialist and Bikini Athlete
We’re elite athletes with BIG goals, so staying “on prep” during the holidays is EASY PEASY right?
NOT! In addition to being elite athletes, we are also real live women, with families, jobs, kids, holiday parties, binge watching holiday movies on the Hallmark channel, friends, happy hours, baking, STRESS, long days of shopping, and...well, you get the point!
It truly is a wonderful time of year to enjoy ALL the festivities with friends and family, enjoying at tasty treat or a hot toddy here and there without getting too far off track.
Here are a few tips to help keep you in check so that you can continue moving towards those 2021 goals!
- Mindset Mojo: Remind yourself of the “Reason for the Season”-- spending TIME with family and friends, creating memories, being present. It doesn’t HAVE to be all about the food.
- Schedule your Workouts: Your normal routine will be disrupted. Check your calendar at the beginning of each week and make the adjustments as needed. Take that rest day on Wednesday instead of Sunday so you can attend the office happy hour.
- Strategize for Success: Too much caffeine, too little sleep, too much on-the-going, working out hard, not resting --all of this can lead to adrenal and cortisol overload which we know is counter-productive to our gainz goals. Work with your coach on tweaking your workout routine so that you are set for success. For example, instead of 6 workouts a week (that you are struggling to do), plan for 4-5 (good solid workouts) and focus on recovery and self-care the other 2 days.
Click the image above to shop Casey's gorgeous Hologram Kelly suit!
- Make Sleep a Priority: I know, I know, easier said than done! But so important!
- Drink Plenty of Water: Half your bodyweight in ounces, and then drink some more!
- Start a "Chores Chart": You’re never too old to get “gold stars” for a job well done. Streak is a free app that allows you to track your daily goals. I mean, don’t we LOVE checking things off our To-Do list ladies?
- Don't Arrive at a Party Hungry: “Banking” your macros all day will only lead to a binge and overeating.
- Eat a High Protein, High Fiber Meal before Heading out the Door.
- Enjoy your Meal in this Order: Water, veggies, protein, carbs, sweets
- Limit yourself to one Treat: And make sure it's "worth it," something you really really love!
- BYOB: Sparkling water, Diet Soda, or whatever your fave no-cal drink of choice is. Bring it! If you must have a cocktail, use crystal light or a bit of MIO as a replacement for sugary juice or syrup. More of a wine person? Choose dry wine over sweet.
- Brush your teeth or chew a piece of gum after you finish your plate.
- Freeze leftovers: Because tomorrow, you’re getting back on track and you don’t need that temptation in your fridge calling out “eat me” every time you open the fridge.
Finally, remember, living the PrepLife is a choice, it’s a privilege. It’s a lifestyle that very few people can do. And it’s one YOU have chosen to do, because you, my sister, are an ELITE ATHLETE!
"Living the Prep Life is a Choice."
About the Author
Deb Baska
Suit Design Specialist, Angel Competition Bikinis
Deb is a Top 5 National level Masters Bikini competitor, wife, mom and competition coach. Follow her on insta @getfitdone or book a consultation for help designing your competition dream suit!
Suits for ALL Divisions!
Any of our designs can be made for any division: Bikini, Wellness, Figure & Women's Physique with no up charge based on your division. We have the PERFECT pattern for your next suit, and the most skilled competition suit seamstresses in the world creating it! Scroll to look at examples of some of our favorite suits. Every suit we make starts from scratch which means we can do any combination of colors, styles, and sizes. Let us create your dream Competition Suit!
Click any photo above to shop for your next suit.