Angel Brilliance™ Exclusive Crystals by Angel Competition Bikinis

Angel Brilliance Crystals by Angel Competition Bikinis
This blog explains how our exclusive Angel Brilliance™ crystals were created and why they are perfect for the stage. Angel Brilliance Crystals by Angel Competition Bikinis
After trial and error, the last 5 years of sampling the top crystal brands, we decided to create our own brand of crystals for the stage!Angel Brilliance Crystals by Angel Competition Bikinis
We heard from customers that their suits looked too white on stage and we realized it was due to a very heavy AB coating. We also struggled finding an amazing dark purple AB crystal.
Angel Brilliance Crystals by Angel Competition Bikinis
We found a small crystal designer that can create anything we ask for and our exclusive brand of crystals: Angel Brilliance™ was born!
Angel Brilliance Crystals by Angel Competition Bikinis
What’s different about Angel Brilliance Crystals? They are created with the perfect coating of AB for the stage to make your suit look bold and not washed out. They are 14-16 faceted crystals to give you as much brilliance as possible on stage.
Angel Brilliance Crystals by Angel Competition Bikinis
For the most sparkle, we recommend Crystal AB or any AB crystals. Our AB crystals are star cut that creates layered facets to give the crystals even more angles to bounce light off.
Angel Brilliance Crystals by Angel Competition Bikinis
For a bold color that does not reflect any white or light shades choose any of our non AB crystals. 
Angel Brilliance Crystals by Angel Competition Bikinis

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