Why I went under the Knife

I'm going to address something that all of us girls, well most of us, struggle with. Boobs that's right boobs. We all have them: big, small, real, fake, perky, saggy. They're one thing no matter how hard we try we can't control through fitness. For most of us this means we lose a lot when we start working out and getting fit. In the fitness world you see a lot of women who have chosen to get an augmentation/lift to change that. Some restore them to where they once were or to make them bigger than before.

Unfortunately a lot of women seem to condemn other women for this. And I can see how that's understandable because there's a lot of women who choose to get augmentations and then just show them off to the world, making fitness even more sexualized then it's already, unfortunately, becoming. Women also seem to condemn other for this because they aren't embracing their 'natural' selves. Well this is where I come in. I naturally have always been a little heavier set with a large chest. Pregnancy and weight gain just made that even more so. As a former 156lb 36DD+ there is nothing to be ashamed of or any reason to be subject to ridicule for wanting to do something after fitness has changed our bodies. After significant weight loss and years of living a healthy lifestyle things change. I'm now a 125lb 32B. Do I miss big boobs? Hell no. Do I want them again? No. But for years I've struggled with what 'naturally' has become of them. I know I'm not alone either.
I've learned to accept my stretch marks and scars and odd little quirks about my body. This is an area I've never been comfortable with. A lot of women have been in my shoes and understand this. Unfortunately a lot of women who haven't don't. I don't think it's anyone's right to get upset or think less of someone who chooses to repair something to their former glory of I may phrase it that way. I completely agree that there's something seriously off putting when women get them to, what seem to be, show them off. That's not the case for many however. Some women just want to feel feminine again or to feel comfortable in a bra or swimsuit without 'falling out'. This post is to help more women on either side of the real boob/fake boob argument to understand different sides and motives. To let you know yes, I have decided to do something about it. I've wanted to for five years. I no longer want to feel the way I do about this area. I want my confidence back for me, not for the world. For myself. I'm getting surgery June 11th. I have trusted Dr. Crofts at Aesthetica Medical spa to take very good care of me. I looked into a number of doctors across Utah and decided to go with him. He was very understanding of my motivations and expectations as well as sharing his expert advice to make sure I'd be happy in the long run. He has done many competitors lifts and augmentations and understands the body type and lifestyle. I'm nervous of course but know I'm in very good hands. I would highly suggest him and his staff to anyone looking to make a change.

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