Angel Competition Bikinis makes competition suits for ALL Divisions.
This includes the bikini, wellness, figure, women's physique, and similar divisions. Scroll down for more information about each division.
The Bikini Division
Bikini athletes should show a foundation of muscle which gives shape to the female body. Our Bikini Division suits fit the standard bikini style worn in the NPC and similar leagues with a scrunch back cut, triangle top cut, and crystal connectors on the top and bottom.

The Wellness Division
This division is for females with athletic physique’s that showcase more body mass in the hips, glutes and thigh areas. The upper body is developed but not to the same degree as the lower body.

The Figure Division
Figure athletes should show an overall balance of muscular development which includes rounded delts, sweep to the quads, back depth, and width with emphasis is on balance and symmetry. Our Figure Division suits fit the standard figure style worn in the NPC and similar leagues with a v-shaped front and back cut, triangle top cut, and crystal connectors on the top only.

The Women's Physique Division
Women's Physique athletes should show more muscular density than seen in figure with clear muscle separation. A small amount of striations is acceptable. Emphasis is on muscular development with full muscle bellies. Our Women's Physique Division suits fit the standard style worn in the NPC and similar leagues with a v-shaped front and back cut, triangle top cut, and crystal connectors on the top only. Our Women's Physique suits are the exact same as our Figure Division suits. We use the term, "The Figure Cut" to describe both.