Reverse Dieting by Stephanie Sequiera
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This is probably the most important topic of them all! Ladies, after weeks or even months of hours of cardio, number of pounds lifted, and hitting your macros on point, you will build a master piece. Now why would you want to ruin that? I have seen it countless of times, individuals being focused during their whole prep, then step off stage, and BOOM! next thing you know they are 20 lbs up in weight within a week. It is is so easy to gain it all back in a matter of days if you are not careful.
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Competitors make the mistake of eating anything they want, stop working out, and stop doing cardio thinking that they would be ok. Then the unfortunate truth hits and everything they have worked for is gone.
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I think the biggest issue with individuals revolves around food. Some individuals cannot find that self control that they once had when they were on prep. It becomes easier and easier to say "it's ok, only a little bit won't hurt" or "it's ok if I have it because I didn't have it all prep". This mentality can absolutely hurt you because you will begin to say it to any opportunity that you have of consuming any type of food and it will become more and more difficult to find that self control again. It is extremely unhealthy for the body to rebound and you can damage your body, health, metabolism, and hormones. Scary? You betcha!
Mistakes to avoid
Increasing calories too fast from maintenance and going back to eating like you were before the show.
Introducing unhealthy foods to your diet too quick
Eating everything
Not doing cardio
Removing too much cardio too fast
Not setting up a goal for your reverse diet
Over eating at every meal
Going crazy after a show and eating everything in your way
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What you should do for Reverse Dieting
Slowly increase your calories from maintenance
Enjoy treats here and there but eat mainly whole foods
Slowly decrease your cardio
Keep taking your supplements
Keep weightlifting or do any other physical activity based on your goals
Create goals and a plan for your offseason to avoid competition blues
Realize that food is not going anywhere. The last time I checked Papa John's is still delivering pizza and Dunkin Donuts is still selling donuts. Because you haven't had the foods in a while does not mean they have disappeared. Don't deprive yourself, but be cautious and make smart decisions
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To close off, just remember that you are only given one body and reverse dieting can be just as enjoyable and fun if you create a good plan for it. This sport is a lifestyle, so make sure you do everything you can to improve on it each and every day.
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