My Road To Pro

Skylar Lanier IFBB Pro Road to Pro Angel Competition Bikinis

My fitness journey started four years ago. I was over weight, unhappy, had body image issues, and my weight was the center of jokes.

Skylar Lanier IFBB Pro Road to Pro Angel Competition Bikinis

Click HERE to shop a replica of Skylar's Angel Competition Bikini suit.

My cheerleading coach at the time suggested I do a bodybuilding show to give myself a reason to lose weight. I said why not, and was willing to try anything. I trained for almost a year for my first NPC show. Show day comes and, they line my class up. I immediately start second guessing going on stage, and I was so nervous I thought about leaving.

Skylar Lanier IFBB Pro Road to Pro Angel Competition Bikinis

Click HERE to shop a replica of Skylar's ACB suit.

They walked us back stage and all my nerves disappeared. I started dancing and couldn’t wait to step on that stage. With that first step, I fell in love. This is going to sound silly but I knew I belonged up on stage. It made me so happy to work hard everyday, twice a day, for months and to go out there and strut my stuff to show all my hard work.

Skylar Lanier IFBB Pro Road to Pro Angel Competition Bikinis

Click HERE to shop a replica of Skylar's Angel Competition Bikini suit.

These past four years have had its ups and downs but I wouldn’t trade this lifestyle for anything. This year has been by far the best prep, and the best I’ve ever felt. During this prep everything fell into place for me. Now I am getting ready for my Pro Debut in October and I couldn’t be more excited. 




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Angel Competition Bikinis Custom Bikinis and Figure Suits

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