8 Things to Know before Getting a Boob Job

things to know before getting a boob job, breast augmentation for bikini competitors

 Studies have shown that cosmetic surgery has increased 3x more than in the past, with breast augmentation being the top procedure. Specifically in the fitness industry, boob jobs are on the rise and many women who compete opt to go under the knife. I personally chose to do so, conveniently after my first bikini competition. While I have wanted the surgery for years and years, I have noticed it on the rise in bikini competitors. I figured I would share some insight since I personally just went through with the surgery.

1. You don’t HAVE to have boobs to compete.

This is a common misconception that girls think they need a boob job to get anywhere in a competition. I won 1st place in my first show with absolutely no boobs at all.

2. If you decide to get one, prepare to be out of the gym for weeks.

I wasn’t allowed to do any cardio for at least 2 weeks, and at 4 weeks I was allowed to start very light lifting. Every doctor and person is different, and I’ve heard of people having to wait 8 weeks to start anything.

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3. You can’t train like you used to for a while.

Even when you are cleared to lift, it won’t be as intense as you are probably used to. No direct chest work at all for a while, and simple things feel really weird when you start lifting. Easing back into it is the best way to go about it.

4. Recovery really is not that bad.

Keep in mind that everyone is different and responds different to surgery and recovery. However, I heard so many stories about all the terrible things recovery was but mine was practically a breeze. Of course listen to your body and your doctor, but I felt great compared to all the horror stories I had heard. Don’t be too nervous!

brittany lesser competition bikini from angel competition bikinis

5. Be prepared to spend the money.

You will have to spend more than a few thousand dollars if you are going with a great, reputable doctor, but it doesn’t stop there. You’ll have to buy new sports bras, regular bras, and even clothes. Going up a few cup sizes definitely puts a damper into your wardrobe and things don’t fit like they used to. If you compete, you’ll need a new suit top for sure.

6. It helps with body image, but it won’t magically solve all problems.

Some people get the surgery to help with confidence, and that’s fine! But don’t go into it expecting it to magically change your mindset. Yes, it is a huge confidence booster, but you need to be happy without them first to be happy WITH them.

brittany lesser competition bikini from angel competition bikinis

7. You have to sleep on your back for about 6 weeks.

This was honestly the worst part of recovery. I wasn’t in pain at all, it just felt pressure and a little weird, but sleeping on my back gave me the biggest knot and it was super uncomfortable. I wasn’t aware it’d be that long.

brittany lesser competition bikini from angel competition bikinis

8. Get a size that’s right for your body.

Everyone is different, and cc’s look different on everyone. That’s why it is important not to compare yourself to others. Talking to your doctor is the best way to determine the size, but talk about what you want them to look like rather than the cup size, and you’re more likely to get the desired result.

Click below to watch Brittany's vlog "Lifting After Breast Augmentation"

Click below to watch Brittany's vlog "1 year post-op update"

Follow Brittany: @BrittanyLesser

angel competition bikinis


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