We all have days when we are un-motivated to go to the gym, especially when you’re in prep because it’s not a choice, it HAS to be done regardless if you feel like it or not. I love going to the gym, it’s my me time, my escape, and the progress I see both physically and mentally from it is definitely a plus! But let’s be real, we all have a life between work, school and family. Whatever your situation is, it consists of long days, body aches and just complete exhaustion. It can be hard enough going to the gym let alone getting through an entire workout. With that being said, I came up with a 9 tips to help build the discipline when the motivation is lacking.
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1. First and foremost, you have to make yourself go, as much as you don’t feel like going, I guarantee that you will feel sooo much better leaving the gym than you did walking in.
2. Switch up your days to your favorite muscle group and do workouts that you enjoy.
3. If you’re getting frustrated with a workout, stop what you’re doing and go to a different workout then you can come back to the one you left.
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4. Talk to yourself, positive reinforcement will help push you through. Remind yourself of why you’re doing this, why you started, what you’re going to achieve and how proud you’ll be after you’ve accomplished something you thought you couldn’t.
5. Analyze your situation, do you work better with people pushing you? Or do you need to isolate yourself in order to focus on what needs to be done?
6. Remember, any workout is better than no workout at all, it could be the crappiest workout you’ve ever had, but the fact that you showed up and did your best says so much about you and your determination. Remember, actions speak louder than words.
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7. Some days will be better than others, that’s just how it is, but remember why you are doing this, because you LOVE it, it’s not being forced on you. You are choosing this and need to allow your passion and what is driving you to come through in all that you do, it will push you through those hard days. Keep your goals at the forefront of your mind in all that you do.
8. So many times people look to us as inspiration and motivation, prep is hard, working out, meal prepping on top of a full schedule is HARD and not everyone can do it or wants to do it. But don’t be afraid to reach out to others when you need a push. So many people support you and want you to succeed just as much as you do.
9. Most of all have fun, enjoy every second and work your ass off! You are far more capable than you think!
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I hope you found these tips helpful and you can reach out to me anytime, we are all in this together!!
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